Healdsburg High School Interact Club

The Rotary Club of Healdsburg Sunrise co-sponsors Healdsburg High School’s Interact Club.

The Interact Club brings together young people to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. The students learn how serious leadership can be seriously fun.

The Interact Club participates in various projects every year that help their school and community and promote international understanding. The projects include river clean-ups, plastic recycling, personal supplies for the homeless, and community events such as the Turkey Trot and Foss Creek Clean-up. Sunrise Rotarians serve as advisors and mentors to help and guide Interactors as they carry out projects and develop leadership skills.

Past Interact Projects

Arundo Donax Removal

The vibrant waters of our local river deserve a chance to flourish, and through the collective efforts of the Interact Club and dedicated community members, we are actively restoring its natural beauty and health. By combating the relentless spread of invasive weeds, we not only protect the delicate ecosystem but also enhance the recreational spaces that we cherish. Our hands-on approach fosters teamwork and inspires a sense of stewardship among participants, reminding us all that when we come together as a community, we can create meaningful change that benefits both nature and future generations.

Community Garden

As we roll up our sleeves and dig into the vibrant soil of the Healdsburg Community Garden, the Interact Club and the Rotary Club join forces to cultivate not just plants, but also a deeper connection within our community. This project is more than just beautifying our shared space; it’s an opportunity for young leaders to explore sustainable gardening practices, learn about local ecology, and foster relationships that bloom just as brightly as the flowers we nurture. Together, we’ll create a thriving garden that reflects our commitment to environmental stewardship and the spirit of collaboration, making our community a greener, healthier place for everyone to enjoy.