Join the Auction! Let the fun begin!  The Drew Esquivel Memorial Golf Tournament has kicked off and will continue through the month of September.  NOW is the time to register, set your tee time, and hit the links to raise funds to support outstanding Healdsburg High School graduations.
Join the Auction! Let the fun begin!  The Drew Esquivel Memorial Golf Tournament has kicked off and will continue through the month of September.  NOW is the time to register, set your tee time, and hit the links to raise funds to support outstanding Healdsburg High School graduations.  >Did we mention the amazing swag bag yet?  Here's the link to register to golf this month:

If you've already registered, then please consider bidding and giving too!  If you haven't registered, do so and also check out the auction!  If you don't golf, then this is how you help us reach our fundraising goal of $40,000.  The world is a crazy place right now, but, bottom line, Rotary and the Healdsburg community will always do good, have fun, and continue to help students pursue their dreams.  "Now more than ever" is bantered around often, but it applies here.  Let's do it!   

Here's where to view the auction items and donate today: 
Bid high, bid often, give now, give again!