Fellow Jesters, this week:
Our guest speaker is RI Peace Fellow Erin Thomas who will be joining us from Belgium. The February 2021 issue of Rotary includes interesting articles on RI’s Peace Initiatives in line with February Peace and Conflict Resolution Month.
Closed captioned meeting: We are going to try this out for those of us having difficulty hearing the zoom audio.
Football pool? Anyone 'game' for setting one up?
District news:
Roundtable Discussion on Saving Local Journalism this Thursday evening, February 4th, at 6 pm. Fellow Rotarian and Healdsburg Tribune publisher, Rollie Atkinson is a featured speaker. See attached flyer for details.
Upcoming District Assembly: Please save the evening of Friday April 16th and the morning/afternoon of Saturday April 17th for this year's District Training Assembly! Friday evening be prepared to Zoom in for our District breakout rooms and guest speaker. Saturday morning we'll return to a Vibrant District kickoff with a guest speaker, morning sessions and afternoon electives. More detailed login and content information to follow. Attendance is recommended to incoming Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and everyone who is interested in learning good ways to have an effective club.
Watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/luIeXHnEy3I