Jeff Harding, updated us on the progress being made on vaccinating everyone involved with our local schools and the progress they are making towards restarting in-person classes.
Jay Beckwith shared more on our developing Healdsburg Pollinators Project.
Will Seppi talked about our upcoming Polio Plus fundraiser and the club’s 12th-anniversary event on April 1st. It is called “Tubesteaks under the stars”, and the marketing materials look amazing.
Mark Bisignani updated us on the upcoming Teacher Appreciation event. While the schools are overwhelmed with the reopening process right now, this is very important to the teachers and principals. We plan to do a virtual event again this year. It was very effective last year.
Lance Cottrell lead a discussion of options for our annual 4th of July event, and how we may need to adapt it in light of the likely COVID restrictions at that time.
Finally, we shared a number of limericks of an appropriate nature but questionable quality.
Watch the recording here: